Macro vs Micro: The Importance of All the Nutrients
I’m sure by now you’ve heard that our energy to fuel our daily lives comes from the food we eat (aka kilojoules). You probably know that foods also contain vitamins and minerals that can help keep you feeling your best by supporting your immune system, brain function and other processes within the body.
But do you know the difference between macronutrients and micronutrients? Do you know why they are all equally as important as each other? Do you know how they work together to promote optimal health and wellbeing for every individual?
Macronutrients and micronutrients are similar in the sense they are both equally necessary to promote the most optimal levels of health for people.
The key difference is right there in the name: macro and micro. Think of “macros” as your “big” nutrients, the ones you need in “big” amounts. These are the nutrients that provide you with energy to fuel every part of your day.
In contrast, “micros” are your “small” nutrients, the ones you need in smaller amounts. These are the vitamins and minerals, responsible for keeping all of the systems in your body functioning at their best (including your immune system). They have a large number and wide range of responsibilities in the body, with each different nutrient responsible for a different role or function.
Carbohydrates, more commonly known as sugars, are your body’s favourite source of energy. They can be found in lots of different foods including grains (like bread, rice and pasta) and fruits (like apples and bananas) as well as any type of food you might associate with the word sugar (yes, that means chocolate, lollies and cake). And guess what? All of these different carbs have a place in a healthy balanced diet - really, your body just sees them all as sugar! Carbs can be categorised as high GI or low GI depending on their impact on blood sugar levels. High GI carbohydrates, like lollies, dates or white bread, will provide a much quicker, short term burst of energy, as opposed to low GI sources like wholemeal bread, bananas or oats, which will provide a more sustained long term release of energy.
Protein is by far the “popular kid” when it comes to macronutrients in the social media world, primarily known and recognised for its role in muscle building, maintenance and repair. Sources of protein, including meats, dairy, eggs and legumes (or supplements like the delicious THRIVE Plant Protein range), are all made up of amino acids which influence the role that protein will play within the body - ranging from repairing and strengthening muscle tissues to promoting skin cell turnover. Above all though, protein is the last resort energy source for your body, used in the case of all other energy stores being depleted.
Fats have definitely managed to get a bad rep, and while some fats are linked to increasing the risk of poor health outcomes, healthy fats are super important within a healthy diet. There are two different kinds of fats, saturated and unsaturated fats, with unsaturated fats being the ones linked to protective health outcomes. Besides their role as the secondary source of energy when there are no carbohydrates present, fats have a number of different roles within the body, including helping the body to absorb the micronutrients you consume. Unsaturated fats, like olive oil, nuts, seeds and avocados, can also help to control cholesterol levels to reduce the risks of diseases associated with heart health.
In short, vitamins and minerals are responsible for all the little jobs that work together to keep our body functioning correctly, and in turn keep us healthy. These roles can range from maintaining bone and joint health to keeping your cells happy, from improving your immune function to promoting brain function. While there are way too many to even begin to name here, vitamins like vitamin A, C and K can be found primarily in fruits and vegetables (which is why we always encourage you to eat the rainbow - the more colours, the more nutrients!).
Minerals, like calcium and iron, are often most easily absorbed from animal products like meat and dairy, however, can be found in plant sources like vegetables, too.
Vitamins and minerals can be a tricky one to navigate, some work together to help the body absorb more when consumed together, others will prevent the body from absorbing enough of another nutrient it clashes with. For this reason, variety in your diet, both in the foods you eat and the combinations you eat them in can make a huge difference to your overall health. Need a vitamin & mineral top-up? With one serving containing one serving of vegetables, Naked Harvest’s Gorgeous Greens powder is a delicious and convenient way to give your body the boost it needs!
In terms of balancing the two, focusing on consuming your macronutrients alongside lots of fruits and vegetables can help give you a headstart in terms of balancing your macro and micronutrients. Finding a way to consume a variety of foods on a weekly basis is the best way to support your health and find a balance to best support your body and health.
Need some extra nutrition love? Try Naked Harvest and get 15% off with the code COURTNEYLAYTHAM at checkout. Enjoy!

By Courtney Laytham
After graduating in 2023, Courtney Laytham is a university qualified nutritionist, passionate about educating women on the importance of using food to fuel your best life. She believes in finding a balance between using food as a tool to sustain optimal health and wellbeing while continuing to enjoy the foods you love, helping women find their confidence and feel their best. Through combining her love of nutrition with a passion for moving in a way you love, Courtney works as a reformer pilates instructor, helping clients to find the enjoyment in healthy living while helping them feel their best without missing out on the life they love.